MM&M – The Egyptian Trilogy (2024)

Precis Intermedia brings back this classic roleplaying adventure for Man, Myth & Magic (originally published by Yaquinto Publications in 1982).

You stand before an ancient stone monument at Giza. Though dwarfed by the great pyramids, it possesses the answer to a mighty mystery. For hidden inside within a secret and long-forgotten chamber rests the power to destroy the old gods and allow one man to rule Egypt. As you seek to gain entrance, your thoughts are not of the danger that lurks within, but how you became caught in this deadly intrigue… how a simple journey turned into a nightmare in the barren Sinai and eventually brought you to this silent statue, a hunted criminal, with no choice but to brave whatever evil lies ahead and discover the answers to several mysteries.

This three-episode adventure requires the original Man, Myth & Magic boxed set or Classic Reprint, and adds
31 new character classes, including Alchemists, Charioteers, and Physicians
Nearly 70 new magic spells, charms, amulets, and concoctions
Dozens of new weapons, armor classes, and poisons

NOTE: This is the first Classic Reprint to be created using Precis Intermedia’s new advanced scan-to-layout system. Rather than being a series of touched-up scanned pages, the content has been converted to text and made to look like the original. There will be some differences from the original, such as corrected typos and layout issues. Put simply, this book behaves like something created with modern desktop publishing software, yet looks very much like the original.