MM&M – Death to Setanta (2020)

Precis Intermedia brings back this classic roleplaying adventure for Man, Myth & Magic (originally published by Yaquinto Publications).

Continue the Man, Myth & Magic adventure with Episode 5: Death to Setanta. Episodes 1-4 can be found in the original Man, Myth & Magic boxed set or Classic Reprint.

On the heels from the previous episode, the characters have returned to Hibernia some ten years later (though instantaneously for them). They face the mortality of Queen Ness, and the realization that the child Setanta they once saved is now entering puberty and becoming darker in spirit. A surprise visit by the Sidhe reveals even more shocking news: the Lordly Ones believe that Setanta’s adolescence will make ill the world. Thus, the characters begin a new quest filled with puzzles and encounters as they head to the Kingdom of the Sidhe in search of Setanta.