John Company (2004)

John Company By Chris Ferree & P.R. Wilson Edition The FOURTH

The perennial seller still evolves and becomes better with time!

JC continues to be the only dedicated rules for gaming India’s colonial history, including the Mysore, Maratha, Sikh Wars, Indian Mutiny, and more. But this edition has a new layout to make the rules easier to digest, with some simplifications and other parts removed which had outlived their usefulness.

However, besides the streamlined rules, all of the other feature remain, including reversing the trend of earlier editions, the new JC4 has been pared down to 120 pages of basic and optional rules, with all the previously bound-in Game Accessories (three Card Decks, Cheat Sheets, Order Counters, etc) now being offered for FREE as PDF’s. Buyers of the Print Edition may now simply request all such files by E-mail and have them returned the same way.

Further, all these are now offered in full color for self-printing, updated and corrected. Also, the extensive, Optional Weather Rules are also included as a separate PDF file, further reducing the bulk of the previous editions. And in a time of ever rising costs, the prices for both the Print and PDF Editions are unchanged–only the number of freebies has “inflated!”

While the volume of free PDF’s has considerably increased, the price of TVAG paying for professional printing, and then pricing them at a profit, would still be higher than self-printing, either at home or via your local print shop!

Besides the rules proper, there are 4 pages of Designers’ Notes, 3 of Bibliography, 4 ready-to-play Scenarios (27 pages) with full color maps, 6 pages listing John Company’s Battles, an updated list of figure sources, and 2 pages of Basing Templates

But still, one of the greatest values are the Army Lists with detailed organizational and tactical information for the Afghans, Marathas, Sikhs, British and HEIC units, with special emphasis on the latter on The Indian Mutiny. This information is not to be found in any one–or 25–books!

A limited number of pre-printed and cut Game Decks, plus the other color game counters may still be bought as a separate Graphic Supplement until exhausted.