Ikonki A Russo-Japanese Land Wars (2016)

Ikonki A Russo-Japanese Land Wars is a tabletop game that puts the player in the shoes of a regimental commander during the Russo-Japanese wars of 1904 – 1905. The player will have to contend with orders from above, and there is a limited command control system. These rules include army lists for both Russian and Japanese forces, and put the player in command of anywhere from 1 to 4 infantry battalions.

This ruleset is designed with fast-play and simplicity in mind, and focuses on the feeling of the period, and the difference between the two forces. Russian forces are at times paralyzed by their command system and officers, and their infantry, while mostly conscripts, can be stubborn and resilient. Japanese forces are very capable, but are often over-zealous in their orders, and while their troops are almost fearless, they often end up making suicidal charges against fortified positions and taking heavy casualties. Machine guns, barbed wire and trenches play a large part in the gameplay, but there is still plenty of maneuver warfare and cavalry and artillery are also represented.