Hind & Seek (2017)

Hind & Seek is a ruleset all about asymmetrical warfare, and is aimed at company to battalion sized games, in 6mm or 3mm scale. Larger scales can be used just as easily, from 10mm and 15mm, up to 1/72 scale.

The goal has been to provide a game where a small, poorly armed force can stand on even terms with a larger, better armed one. Hind & Seek tackles this in two ways: firstly, with a ‘strength’ system. Each faction has a strength value, which can be used to purchase forces on the table, or assets. Assets include recon, weapons caches, roadside mines, pre-prepared firing positions, escape routes, air-drops of anti-personnel mines, air blocking elements, night-time insertions and various other options, tailored to each faction. For example, only the Mujahideen (Afghan resistance fighters) have roadside mines and weapons caches, while only the Soviets have air blocking elements and aerial insertions or mine drops.

In this manner, a small force could have a large number of assets allowing it to stand against a larger force. A small Mujahideen force might have prepared firing positions, weapons caches and escape routes, allowing it to strike and run against a larger Soviet force. Likewise an elite Soviet force might have all the bells and whistles of an extremely detailed and well-planned operation – extensive training, night-time insertions, blocking escape routes with helicopters, and so on, to allow a small group of airborne elites to cut off and destroy a larger Mujahideen force. Assets also have a dual purpose where they can counter enemy assets. The Mujahideen keep ambushing from that village? Bulldoze it. The Soviets are using helicopters to block off your escape routes? hit them with anti-air fire to drive them off!