Grid Wars – Age of Cyberpunk (2021)

Grid Wars – Age of Cyberpunk, The future is built on countless layers of existence. The virtual and physical entwine. The human mind is no longer able to determine which layer is the “original” one. The concept of “real” is way in the past.

The Grid is a dark-web of layers. Filled with millions of ongoing cyber deals and bloody confrontations. The Grid’s unique encryption makes it a free-for-all for both the biggest corporations and exclusive cliques of criminals.

In no-mans-land you can be the man. One big score can change your fate forever. But it can get real messy, real fast. So carefully pick your squad, recon the objective, and shift the paradigm in your favor today!

And remember, once you get on the grid you also get on the radar…

GRIDWARS offers a new take on the hex-based skirmish game. Except for a smooth and satisfying combat system, you get a lot of possibilities to interact with the environment, hack your way through the battle, throw enemy and allied units, and even engineer and deploy powerful combat mechs to aid you!

In a single game, you get the experience of wargaming, RGP, board game, and strategy game. Here are a few aspects that contribute to GRIDWARS unique gameplay:

RPG Scenarios. The game is scenario-based. Every time you will face a different challenge that will allow different characters to excel.
Squad Building. Before the game, you will pick your squad. Every unit has a cost and each scenario a limit of how many you can use per player. It is up to you to decide if you want to focus on brute force, hacking, or engineering!
Quick-Paced Skirmish. Players activate one of their units alternately. Each time a unit can execute actions. Move, Charge, Attack, Shoot, Use Abilities, Hack, Build, or even Throw a smaller enemy across the battlefield! Order in which you activate your units and execute actions will be the key to the winning strategy.
Custom Dice. There are custom attack and defense dice. After the roll, you will be able to improve your results depending on your unit’s statistics. The combat mechanics are very intuitive. No math, just choices. You will see everything there is to know on your rolled dice!
Strategy-Affecting Terrain. The terrain creates a unique setting for each encounter on the grid. You can hide inside the buildings, lock the door, or shoot through the windows, all of which will affect the mechanics.
Powerful Hacking. The semi-virtual nature of the grid makes hacking a reality-bending feat. By using the terminals located on the battlefield, the hackers can activate the sentry guns, detonate mines, and manipulate electronic objects. By directly hacking the enemy operating systems, they can instantly inflict damage and status effects.
Versatile Engineering. Combat engineers can repair or deactivate obstacles. But what’s more important, they can learn blueprints and collect materials to deploy just the right combat mechs to change the tide of the battle!
Energy System. It’s up to you to decide which of your units will be reinforced each turn. At the beginning of a round, you will distribute the Energy. You can spend it to make your attacks and defense more effective or to activate powerful abilities in critical situations. Make sure to impact the battle in places where it is needed the most!
High Replayability. In every game, you will face different enemies, choose different squads and compete in different scenarios. You can find new synergies between characters in every game!