Flaklighter II (2010)

Flaklighter II is a comprehensive set of coastal miniatures rules covering all theaters of operations in WW2. The ruleset is designed for use with 1:600 scale naval miniatures . The goal of these rules is to provide an accurate and fast game that can be played in fifteen minutes to an hour, depending upon the number of craft involved.

All aspects of coastal warfare are covered in detail:

Movement and spotting
All types of gunfire, from light machine guns to 6” guns
Torpedoes, including rules for the various models of torpedoes used by different nations
Rockets and depth charges
Collisions and ramming
Aircraft and submarines
Optional rules including bluffing spotters and selective hit locations
Detailed data on coastal craft from the US, UK, Germany, Italy, USSR, Finland. France, Netherlands, Japan and more
NEW ADDITIONS in the Flaklighter II edition are:

Rules for large caliber gunfire
Rules for boarding
Expanded ship data charts with over fifty new coastal craft!