Dinosaurs of the Lost Valley (2013)

The canyon is a mysterious place, lush and green. Unfamiliar sounds reach you through the mists. Looking about, there are plants not seen in millions of years. Suddenly, an impossibly large creature steps out from the palms and cycads. The hairs on your fore- arms and nape prickle…

It towers over you, three times your height. Its weight is measured in tons, not pounds. It welcomes you to the Lost Valley with a rumbling roar that you feel from your collar-bones to the soles of your feet. Eureka! At last you have discovered the Dinosaurs of the Lost ValleyTM!

This is a sourcebook for CavemasterTM, the award-winning Stonepunk role-playing game. Included are dozens of new dinosaur species with illustrations, plus two playable saurian breeds! The Cavemaster RPG core rulebook is required for play.