Deadlands – Shootout at High Noon (1999)

Deadlands – Shootout at High Noon What’re You Lookin’ At?
Yer lookin’ at the game that InQuest called the Best Game of ’98: Deadlands! Walk the dusty streets of Gomorra, California, meet spell-slinging hucksters in the Green Eye Saloon, face deadly undead gunslingers in the town square, and stalk horrid monsters with Sioux shamans.

This introductory set includes easy-to-learn rules and trading cards exclusive to this package. Now there ain’t no more excuse:
Larn to Play!

Law Dogs
They may not be much to look at, and a few of them ain’t much to smell, neither, but the Law Dogs stand between the common townfolk and the evil things-human and critter alike-what stalk the streets of Gomorra, California. Now Nate Hunter and his posse have come to bring justice to Black Jack and his gang, accused of murdering the former sheriff. They’ll git ’em, dead or alive.

Led by a dude called “Black Jack,” this gang of desperadoes has been raisin’ a ruckus for as long as Gomorra’s been around. While their leader Jackson’s been accused of a lot of thangs, he only fesses up to takin’ a chunk outta Sweetrock Mining, a powerful company what done jumped his claim. Yeah, so mebbe a few o’ his boys’re a little irksome, but Jack’s a popular dude among the miners.