Coyote Trail – Shady Gulch Revisited (2006)

Set in 1876, only a week after General Custer’s defeat at Little Bighorn, Shady Gulch is a growing boomtown located deep in the Black Hills of the Dakota Territory. This Coyote Trail supplement gives player gangs a base for their adventures.

Shady Gulch teeters on the brink between lawlessness and civilization. There are plenty of honest, hardworking souls trying to turn Shady Gulch into a respectable community, but there are just as many ruffians who would like to see it remain a lawless frontier town–and they usually have more guns. Into this mix ride the player characters. Will they take the side of law and order, or will they help send the town plummeting into chaos?

Includes an assortment of residents and locations from which stories can be based, plus an introductory adventure, exposing just how dangerous the town can be.