Battle Quest Adventure Game

Battle Quest is an adventure game for 1-4 people. Each player takes the roll of a heroic adventurer, seeking to make his or her fortune in the dark and dangerous areas of the world. It is a world of dragons and ogres, knights and wizards, swords and sorcery, where the life of your adventurer can be snuffed out at any moment.

Players start by choosing one of 4 characters – warrior, mage, thief, and treasure hunter. They then spend gold to buy a weapons, armor, equipment, and spells. Once that is done, the players set of for the dungeon. Players are exploring a hidden dungeon. Within the dungeon an ancient dragon lives. Players roll 2d6 to determine what they encounter on their turn – could be a creature, trap, pit, getting lost, or a locked door. Players can head back to town to buy more equipment. Encounters are resolved with 1 or a series of d6 die rolls. If they survive the encounter, players roll on a treasure table to determine what they have gained.

When they are ready, players can choose to encounter the dragon. First player to kill the dragon wins.