800 FE – Action Decks

800 Fighting Englishmen (800 FE) Action Decks

Larry Brom’s Battalion Level Variant for (TSATF) is the widely played 800 Fighting Englishmen. Like TSATF, it calls for the use of a modified Standard Card Deck to determine order of movement, and sequence of fire in their respective steps of play. But now, TVAG has designed and released specific, full color Action Decks to serve this purpose.

Besides Cards indicating which Army may Move or Fire, each Deck includes the eight “special” cards which give both sides chances for extra moves or fire. There is even an optional “End of Turn” card which may be used to stop the movement and/or fire sequence early, keeping the suspense high all the time. Each Deck consists of 26 “Native” Cards, and 13 British/Imperialist so that players may use only as many cards in a given game as they have total units on the table, but with the Redcoats properly outnumbered in your games.

800FE is a Dependent Variant of TSATF, and requires those rules to be played. They and many other original rules sets and play aids are available exclusively through their Website, Sergeant’s 3.

800 FE – Boxer Rebellion Action Deck
800 FE – Egyptian War Action Deck
800 FE – First Boer War Action Deck
800 FE – Northwest Frontier Action Deck
800 FE – Sudan Action Deck
800 FE – Zulu War Action Deck