Submit your News

Submit your News, We aim to gain maximum publicity for your news by: Adding your Wargaming news to our home page including an optional link to your website sharing your news across our social media network including Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn.

The Wargames Directory Forums Submit your News

  • You must be logged in to create new topics.

Add your news

When you submit your news, it’s important that you select at least one topic from our list of categories.

Then let us know if you want to include a link to your website or make your news a featured news article.

Please remember that we review every news item that is sent to us to ensure that it meets with our editorial requirements – it sometimes takes us a day or so for us to review news items, so check back regularly.

Unfortunately, we can’t publish everything that is submitted so please ensure your news is newsworthy, original and high quality.

News photograph format

Please ensure that you include a good quality photographic image and that you have the express permission from the copyright owner to use.

Photographs should be resized before you attach them to your news item. Photographs need to be between 1000 to 1200 pixels (px) wide. Please use .JPG format and ensure that your file size is less than 1MB. We can only accept landscape shaped images. If accompanying photographs are not of an acceptable quality we won’t be able to publish your news item.

News approval process

We endeavor to publish as many news and business articles as possible – but due to the volume of news and varying quality, we can only publish news that meets our editorial guidelines. Please allow us time to review your news – just check back at the The Wargames Directory website in a day or so.

Just like the printed media we often we’ll make editorial changes to published news items.