Ragnar Brothers Games

Ragnar Brothers Games design our own games, board and card, publish ourselves mainly (but with some notable exceptions such as ‘History of the World’, ‘Fire and Axe’, ‘Angola’ and ‘Steam Donkey’) and sell them through this website and some discerning stores around the world.

We have only published limited runs of 1000 copies, unless they are licensed by larger companies.

The Romans is our last self published game after over 30 years of designing, so please take a look. You can order from this site – click on ‘More’ at the top of the site to select your location in the world for prices and ordering.

Who we are

Ragnar Brothers consists of three friends who ought to know better but can’t resist the urge to design board games. It all started in the early 1980′s when we gathered with our reprobate friends to recreate American Civil and Second World War battles with 25mm Airfix figures and large pieces of chip board painted green. Ah! the good old days when entire weekends would disappear in a heady mix of artificial cannon smoke and beer fumes. These days we stick to designing board games and card games – we’ve been doing it for 30 years!.​

Rules we produce

Whipping Bobby Lee Rules

Whipping Bobby Lee (1990)

Website Address: https://ragnarbrothers.com/
Phone Number: 07914 319294
Address: Ragnar Brothers Games, 156 Chessington Road, Epsom, Surrey, KT19 9UZ, United Kingdom

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