Legionnaire Games

Legionnaire Games are publishers of Fine Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Historical Tabletop Wargames. Founded in 2011, Legionnaire Games creates tabletop and board wargames for use with science fiction and modern military miniatures from any manufacturer. Each game designed from the ground up to reflect a particular scale of combat, from man-to-man skirmishes to clashes between large, multi-division formations or fleets – and each game uses distinct mechanisms during play. We don’t simply recycle the same old game mechanics from one combat scale to another.

Each of our games contains unique mechanics that create different in-game challenges for players. The team at Legionnaire Games provide a selection of pre-generated units and equipment for players to try out in games using models of their choice. And complete unit design rules for those wanting to create forces to reflect a particular fictional background or genre.

Website Address: http://www.legionnairegames.com/
Phone Number:
Address: Legionnaire Games, 6979 Palm Ct. #342N, Riverside, CA, 92506, United States

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