
Hollandspiele are a small publisher that specializes in military history games. Our games are printed on demand – the most expensive and least efficient way to manufacture games. 

Horse & Musket: Dawn of an Era

Sean Chick’s Horse & Musket is a simple tactical game system covering musket warfare from Vienna in 1683 to Appomattox in 1865. This first volume in the series, Dawn of an Era. Covers warfare in the west from 1683-1719, which saw matchlock muskets and pikes give way to flintlocks and bayonets. Ranks became thinner and battles more linear as firepower and infantry discipline became the deciding factors.

Horse & Musket: Tides of Revolution

The long-awaited fourth volume in Sean Chick’s Horse & Musket series shifts the scene to a period of social upheaval, peopled by radical revolutionaries. Dominated by two world-changing events. The American War for Independence, and the overthrow of the Bourbon monarchy, resulting in the War of the First Coalition.

Table Battles

Here is something new and exciting, something completely unlike any other game on your table. Table Battles is a thinky filler. A light dice game that nevertheless will have you scratching your chin and agonizing over your decisions. It reduces armed conflict to its essentials, to the absolute universal truths behind all battles. The threat of force and its application. It’s about leverage, about feints and counterfeints, threats and counterthreats. About creating openings and then going for the jugular, about leaving openings and springing a trap.

Reign of Witches

The subject of this small two-player card game is America’s Quasi-War with France. Viewed through the lens of factional conflict within the Federalist Party. One player assumes the role of the supposedly obnoxious and disliked President John Adams. And is opposed by that ten dollar founding father without a father, Alexander Hamilton.

Agricola, Master of Britain

It is the year of Vespasian and Titus – the sixth such ordinary consulship that Titus shared with his Imperial father. The civil war of a decade ago is but a memory. And the Flavians have restored peace and order to all corners of the empire, save one. The people of Britannia remain fiercely resistant to the will of their Roman masters. And the emperor has charged YOU with the seemingly impossible task of bringing them to heel.

Wars of Marcus Aurelius 170CE

Plague ravages the Empire. With the Romans depleted by disease and spread thin across the endless frontier. Opportunistic Germanic and fierce Sarmatian raiders strike across the Danube deep into Imperial territory. To face this threat, the Emperor Marcus Aurelius, an untested commander who has never set foot outside of Italy. Must transform himself from an introspective philosopher into a cunning warrior and fearless leader.

Stilicho: Last of the Romans

The Goths are marching on Rome! In Gaul, Vandals and Alans pour across the Rhine. Meanwhile, a usurper from distant Britannia has raised his standard. The survival of the Western Empire depends on one man. Flavius Stilicho, barbarian general, commander-in-chief of the armies of Rome, and de facto ruler of the West.

NATO Air Commander

1 May 1987: the Soviet Union invades Western Europe, catching the NATO ground forces by surprise. The West’s only hope is to achieve supremacy in the air. It won’t be easy – the odds are against them, and the cause looks lost. With limited resources, multiple targets, and mounting political pressure. You will have to make the right calls at the right time. YOU are Commander of Allied Air Forces Central Europe, and the fate of the world is in your hands.


Website Address: https://hollandspiele.com/
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Address: Hollandspiele

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