
Fieldworks is a small operation (2 person) making wargames Terrain, mainly ruined damaged buildings. We produce these items in four scales; 10/12mm, 15mm, 20mm and 25//28mm. Most with removable roof and floors.

At present our buildings are mainly 19th – 20th Century (to include present day). In the future we intend going back much further. Our first 11th Century item is a Motte and Bailey fortification which you are able to view on this site.

We will always try to please however so don’t be afraid to ask. We hope you will find something to please you as you browse the website.

The Scene UK Now selling our range of buildings website address

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Website Address:
Phone Number: +44 (0) 7411 930658
Address: The Scene, 22 Shifford Crescent, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 7UB, United Kingdom

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