Empress Miniatures was established in 2008, originally by two 'war-games widows' of two wargaming husbands. Although the Empress team is still the same things have moved on significantly and the menfolk are a lot more involved these days.
One thing that has not changed is our company policy to research, design, develop and sell the highest quality products that we can. This is across all of our ranges of figures, vehicles and terrain as well as products that we sell on behalf of other companies.
Starting with our first range, The 1879 Zulu War, we now have large and developing ranges covering the Spanish Civil War, Jazz Age Imperialism of the Inter War years, English Civil War, Maori Wars, Abyssinia, WW1, WW2, Vietnam, Indian Mutiny and Ultra Modern. Added to these are ranges that we carry for other companies that compliment our own ranges. All of our ranges get frequently added to and it is our company plan to never ever 'finish' a range but rather constantly add to our lines to expand and refresh them.
In our very busy history we are proud to have developed an excellent reputation for quality and Customer Service. Our products are made to the very highest quality to ensure that you the customer get the best.
Pop by our internet shop and have a look.
The Empress Miniatures Team
Paul, Christine, Keith and Lorraine