Bay Area Yards

Bay Area Yards offers high quality, 1:600, 1:2400 scale ship models depicting vessels from the early ironclad era (approx. 1850-1875), as well as certain related accessories such as buildings, gun installations and batteries, small boats and rafts.

Turn-around time for your order is typically quite fast. Shipping is generally done via priority mail, but other methods can be used, if necessary. Bay Area Yards hope that you will give our models a try. We aim to satisfy, and we would be more than happy to work with you in putting together an order for a single ship or an entire fleet. BAY appreciate your interest and encourage you to have a look around our website.

We are constantly in the process of expanding our product line, with the help of a team of volunteer shipbuilders and researchers from across the United States, Canada and the UK. Got a request? Let us know! We are in this business because we love it. Enthusiasts and novices alike are welcome! As many satisfied customers will also testify, we also are very willing to assist our customers with ideas or concepts how to enhance your modeling efforts.

Thanks for your continued support.

Website Address:
Phone Number: 415 734 1174
Address: Bay Area Yards, 3272 Folsom Street, San Francisco, CA 94110, United States

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