Andrew Barlow

Andrew Barlow owns Dark Platypus Studio and has sculpted for the following ranges.

Just who is this Andy guy?
If you ask me to my face, the answer you’re most likely to get is: “I’m Batman.” Well, the truth is, I am not Batman (at least not as far as you know), but I do like to DRAW Batman. And many other super-heroes. And fantasy characters. Like chicks in chainmail, with swords. And chicks out of chainmail, for that matter. And monsters. Okay, really, I just like to draw.

I have played role-playing games since longer than I can remember, starting with D&D when I was like 11. I also like card games, board games, strategy games, wargames, video games and computer games. To me, one of the best parts of gaming is the social interaction…just getting together and hanging out with friends.

Best parts of gaming

One of the other best parts of gaming is the TOYS. All the little plastic and metal miniatures, playing pieces, game cards with color artwork on them…it is all just so cool. That is a big part of what this site is about…my desire to make cool toys that gamers can use while they are playing games.

These days, I live in Michigan (where I have lived most of my life…originally from Wisconsin) with my wife Erica and my cat Squeaky. I spend my time drawing (imagine that), gaming (again, big surprise), sculpting (sense a theme?) and running this business selling my Gaming Bits and doing client work sculpting, mold-making, and casting for various small game companies.

Andrew K. Barlow (A.K.A. ‘Drew) is a professional illustrator, sculptor, and occasional writer who has been working in the comics and gaming fields for the past couple decades.

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