About The Wargames Directory
The Wargames Directory was primarily brought into being as there wasn’t anywhere on the internet that listed all current and expired wargaming companies.

A little About Me
My name is Andrew Bruce and I was born in Lincoln, England, in the 1960s: and lived there until I went to secondary school which was in Spilsby.
Many of my relations were WW2 veterans and a few were WWI. I developed a great interest in military history all through my childhood I would read everything related to World War II I could lay my hands on.
During this time I would spend all my pocket money on Airfix kits and try and recreate battles I had read about.
When I was about thirty five I joined the Grimsby Wargames Society and made some fantastic friends who were interested in military history.
Disclosure as well as owning The Wargames Directory I have recently bought Platoon 20 which is marketed through my other website East Front Miniatures.