Steel Fist Miniatures

Steel Fist Miniatures make high quality 28mm historical figures, for gamers and collectors, including 16th century Samurai and Italian Wars. In 2020, We launched a 15mm English Civil War range.

Simon Chick

Simon is the business owner of Steel Fist Miniatures and has been an avid collector, painter and occasional wargamer since his teens. His main interest lies with medieval history, but he also has collections from Ancients through to AWI and WW2.

Oliver James

Oliver is the sculptor for Steel Fist Miniatures and started up the business around 5 years ago, to offer his excellent sculpts, derived from his passion for historic armour. Starting with Samurai, Oliver moved to add Renaissance knights, through several successful Kickstarter campaigns. Oliver remains actively involved with all planned new sculpts.

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