Nimix Models

Nimix Models is a Spanish company which produces and sells scale models and figures. That is why apart from international topics special attention has been given to Spanish subjects in the catalogue. Where you will find scale models of vehicles which are-or were in use in the Spanish Armed Forces. And therefore scale figures from the most representative periods of our civil and military history.

From the day that NIMIX marketed its first model 20 years ago we have done our best to permanently improve the quality of our items. As well as the customers service for the sake of the amateurs of model-making. Nimix Models continues to strive for excellence and innovation.

NIMIX produces currently more than 350 different items. You will find here vehicles made of resin and etched brass, 54mm and 120mm scale figures. Busts and the two great NIMIX´s innovations in Nimix models.

Website Address:
Phone Number: 00 34 91 352 81 39
Address: Nimix Models, Apartado de Correos 45.117, Madrid, 28080, Spain

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