Vital Ground Creative

Vital Ground Creative based in the North East of England. We are a (currently) small family business who aim to blend our skills and passions. To bring unique and innovative products to the discerning wargamer.

Our intention is to make available model kits that are as characterful and accurate as our technologies and research allow. And hopefully easy and even fun to build! As our kits will currently be made using laser cutting and 3D Printer technologies. We have some restrictions to what we can make but give us a challenge and see what we can make.

Our Skills include 30+ years of product design. Coupled with some web design experience and, as the quote above might suggest. A little military experience (as an Officer in the British Army – Reserves).

Vital Ground Creative passions include many years of wargaming and general tinkering with model soldiers. With the desire to be a little different in our approach – Vital Ground being the result of this.

Website Address:
Phone Number: 07812 639657

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