Magister Militum

Magister Militum Seeks Buyer, We are seeking a buyer for our ranges – more details below. Last casting day 26th September. GHQ, Baueda, Hallmark/Noble and Oddzial Osmy stock controlled, get them whilst stocks last.

We wanted you to hear from us that we have decided to put Magister Militum up for sale. Thanks to you, we have been in business for 22 years!! We want to thank you for your loyal custom and for being such lovely people to serve for over two decades.

What do you need to do? Please place your orders online, as soon as possible. For the most choice on imported ranges which are now stock controlled and for casting orders in particular. No later than 26th September.

What’s changed? In the last few years our elected political roles and public service are taking up more and more of our time and it is now impossible for us to attend trade shows. And put time into developing the company as we used to and would want to. It feels right to give Magister Militum a new lease of life as we seek new owners for the whole company or individual ranges. If you are serious and interested in that opportunity please email Richard on

Firstly, don’t worry. All packs we owe to customers are on order and will be on their way from suppliers soon. Each customer has received an order email via the website reassuring them their goods are due in soon. These products will be sent out in the usual way, just as soon as they arrive.

Ranges we import

We have stock controlled all our imported ranges

  • GHQ
  • Osmy
  • Baueda
  • Dark Sword (Game of Thrones)
  • Miniature World Maker
  • Hallmark ships & aircraft
  • JR Miniatures
  • Novus designs

So that we will not have owing packs going forward. We will not be ordering any more of these ranges. So if you need to fill any gaps in your gaming, please do so as soon as you can.

For the imported, stock controlled ranges we will continue to accept online orders. (until we find a buyer for all or part of the business). And will continue to post out but it will be once a week from October. So when that time comes, please be patient!

Ranges we cast

We will keep these ranges on the website for the time being. Until the 28th of September for ranges we cast, after which they will be removed.

Casting operations will stop on 26th of September. And our last posting date for ranges we cast will be 28th September. We will then disable all casting ranges from our website.

If you need any of the following ranges (which come in a ziplock bag with a green ticket). Please order them as soon as possible. It may be that these manufactured ranges will not be available for several months or more. Until a buyer is found and is set up for customer orders.

So don’t delay on ordering the following ranges that we cast:

Magister Militum: 3mm, 6mm Mainforce, 10mm, 15mm, 28mm
Chariot Miniatures, Blood Dawn, Polly Oliver,
Navigator Miniatures,
617 Squadron aircraft and
Battleground & Ian Weekley resin buildings.

All our boardgames and Song of Ice and Fire are on eBay, get them whilst stocks last. Find them here

Please direct any order related questions to

Last but definitely not least, our staff, Ian, Alie and Adam have been simply wonderful, you could not ask for better people to work with. We will miss our wargaming family near and far and from the trade shows and online terribly. Huge thanks also to our suppliers, sculptors, our posties and couriers over the years. Everyone has been a true pleasure to work with so our heartfelt thanks to you.

Thank you to our loyal customers, one and all!!

Keep Calm and Keep Wargaming!

Richard and Zoё and the Magister Militum Team 27th July 2023, Magister Militum Seeks Buyer.

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