Raiden Miniatures

Raiden Miniatures has been purchased by I-94 Enterprise. Mark would like to thank all his loyal customers for their support & enthusiasm they’ve given Raiden. And hope you will continue giving the same support to Dave & Chris at I-94. However, you haven’t lost mark entirely as he will still be one of the main Raiden designers and hopes to have some new 1/285th gooddies for you shorttly. 

Also just to confuse you the Raiden 1/600th line remains with Mark, only the 1/285th items have passed to I-94. The 1/600th Range will continue to be available through I-94. And Mark will be setting up a new entity to support & expand this range in due course.  You can still contact mark on his Raiden e-mail i.e

All orders handled by I-94 enterprises but there may be some initial delay as the moulds & masters are transferred from the UK to the States. Please be aware that the online shop is currently being restructured due to the change in ownership.

I-94 Enterprises has been a distributor & major supporter of the Raiden line for the last 4 years & has been producing most of the line in the States for the last year.

Any queries please contact Dave Winfree through the usual e-mail address.

Raiden Miniatures has been purchased by I-94 Enterprise

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