Raiden Miniatures

Raiden Miniatures are a company dedicated to the world of miniature aircraft. Our ranges are brand new and have never been on the market before. Our aim is to produce over the next few years the most comprehensive range of aircraft available in 1/285th and 1/600th scale.

Like many firms in our industry we are doing this in addition to our day job so please be patient with us if we don’t always release a mountain of new aircraft each month.

Please feel free to contact us with suggestions for future aircraft.

We look forward to hearing from you.


Thunderbolt & Lightning Rules

See I-94 Enterprises

Website Address:
Phone Number: 269 945 3185
Address: Raiden Miniatures, 2195 Tamarack Cove Dr, Hastings, Michigan, 49058-7735, United States

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