Chris Stoesen

Chris Stoesen, I have a number of scenario packs for sale. Please note that now many of my scenario packs are available from the Wargame Vault.


IN THE NAME OF ROMA is a wargame supplement that contains 30 company and platoon level scenarios covering the actions of the 80ª Roma Regiment from August to December of 1941. You’ll follow the 80th from the open steppe to the Donetz industrial basin, including the amphibious attacks across the Dnieper, and the fateful decision of Column Chiarimonti to attempt to seize Nikitovka.

Action At Ustilug

Pint sized campaign for Chain of Command covering the opening day of Operation Barbarossa. It is a half ladder campaign.

The campaign covers the opening day of Operation Barbarossa. The German 289th Infantry Division crossed the Ukrainian border at the bridges near Ustilug and encountered the Soviet 87th Rifle Division and elements of the 41st Tank Division. The scenarios cover rural as well as urban engagements. The Soviet defenders acquitted themselves well and delayed the German advance through the town at every opportunity.

The booklet weighs in at 22 pages with full maps for each scenario. This does not have the same production quality as the Pint Sized Campaigns published through TooFatLardies as it has no graphics other than game maps.

Campaign for Kharkov – October 1941

This contains two pint sized campaigns for Chain of Command. They follow the German advance of the 101st Light Division and the 57th Infantry Divisions.

There are twelve total scenarios in two campaigns. he interesting aspect of the October 1941 battle is in the nature of the troops involved. The Soviets had superiority in armor. The Germans advanced with only a single STUG battalion in support of the 57th ID. The Soviets fielded the T34 as well as several improvised armored vehicles such as the KhTZ-16. While not a success on the battlefield, it demonstrated the Soviet inventiveness under the extreme pressure of the blitzkrieg. Full force lists are availible for both German Divisions and the Soviet troops present. Maps are based on aerial reconnaissance photographs taken by German troops in September 1941.

Second Kharkov Campaign: May 1942

This new book covers the May 1942 Soviet attack and the subsequent German counterattack. There are two Chain of Command pint sized campaigns. The first campaign has seven linked scenarios and the second has six. In addition, there is a campaign for What A Tanker as well.

The first campaign covers the retreat of Kampfgruppe Winkler around the town of Nepokrytaya. The entire campaign covers only one day as the Soviets pushed the German defenders hard. The German response was an armored counter attack beginning on the 13th of May. The second campaign follows Kampfgruppe Schmidt-Ott of the 3rd Panzer Division and his advance from Kharkov up to Nepokrytaya and on to Wesseloje on the 16th of May.

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Address: Chris Stoesen

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