Aegis Figures

Aegis Figures will provide me a vehicle to produce niche miniature projects that I am passionate about. Aegis will work on a “reverse ransom” production model. I’ll be producing and selling miniatures I really want to see done, and folks who are interested can purchase those figures directly through me via PayPal or money order, and this will help me recoup my costs and allow me to produce more figures for the Aegis label.

The primary goal of Aegis is to simply recover sculpting and production costs so that I can recycle those monies back into producing more cool figures. Each post on a completed miniature will contain all of the information you need to purchase the figure. Purchases can made through PayPal or via Money Order through the mail. At this point I don’t have plans to sell to shops, but individual shop owners can contact me via e-mail and we can discuss our options.

In the next few weeks I hope to post up our first offerings for the Aegis line. In the meantime, thanks for your patience and enthusiasm!

Scott Pyle

Website Address:
Phone Number:
Address: Aegis Figures, Scott Pyle, c/o Phantom of the Attic, 406 S. Craig Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, United States

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