Dark Fable Miniatures

Dark Fable Miniatures is a small venture that emerged out of several successful crowdfunding campaigns. I was inspired by a combination of archaeology, history and Hollywood films.

To create a range of pseudo historical ancient Egyptians that would appeal to both gamers and collectors. The focus of the range has been characters and personalities from the royal court of the Egyptian pharaoh. Where many lavish Hollywood epics have set. We have also expanded into other themes such as sacred temples, horror filled tombs and creatures from myth and legend.

These high quality 28mm miniatures made from a lead free pewter alloy and have an incredible amount of detail and personality. I have designed the miniatures myself, researching the various costumes, hairstyles and accoutrements to create original character concepts. Dark Fable Miniatures then commissioned some of the most talented sculptors in the industry to turn these concepts into miniatures. Sculptors such as

  • Kev Adams
  • David Soderquist
  • Tim Prow
  • Jo Brumby
  • Aaron Brown
  • Andy Pieper
  • John Winter
  • Brother Vinni

have all produced sets of miniatures for the range.

See Dragon Bait Miniatures

Website Address: https://www.dragon-bait-minis.com/
Phone Number:
Address: Dark Fable Miniatures

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