B. Homenick Graphics

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Long Business Description

The Vaubanner Graphics range is constantly being updating to meet with your wargaming needs. In the future I will be expanding the existing lines as well as expanding into some new ones.

All of these flag sets are designed on a graphic workstation using Vector Based Graphics, to produce resolution independent images which appear crisp at any level of magnification, thus allowing for greater and finer detail to be achieved, then by standard bit mapped graphics. You will not find any jagged lines on any of these flag sets.

Flag files are then colour laser copied at 2800 DPI resolution on high quality colourfast paper ensuring the highest quality duplication possible, creating clear crisp images.

All 15mm Flag sets are also available in 6mm and 10mm at no extra cost.

When ordering please specify to reduce to 6mm or 10mm scale.

All flag sets contain between 6 (for 28mm) and 20 (15mm) flags per sheet.

Business Website Address
Business Address
7 Jewett Bay
Winnipeg Manitoba

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