93 Games Studio

93 Games Studio is a roleplaying game publishing company based out of Raceland, Ky. Dedicated to bringing the most realistic games ever. Whether it is an RPG or a Tactical Wargame, we will make you feel as if you were in the game.

Our main RPG, its called The Swing. It uses the highly realistic Step System, which provides a high level of detail throughout the game. Character Creation, focused on defining well-rounded, believable characters. Combat is deadly, scary and dangerous, as in real life. The freeform Magic system is based on the Thelemic principles of WILL and Love, derived from Aleister Crowley’s vision of Magick as “the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will.” The system encourages players to use out-of-game “real-world” information to shape the game world.

In 2006

In 2006, we acquired the license to produce the next official edition of Twilight: 2000 (3rd edition). This new edition of Twilight (Twilight: 2013) will use our present timeline of events and the current state of world affairs as the precursors to a devastating and chaotic WWIII. It will use an improved game system with plans to include modernized and streamlined features from older versions. We have several fan features, such as a developer’s blog and a chance to become one of several signature characters of the game. We are looking forward to a 2007 release for Twilight: 2013.

In addition to these, we produce supplements for OGL systems (D20 and vsM). We also have two lines of children’s games out (Dress Up and FLASHBALL). Lastly we carry a line of clip art for both personal and commercial use from several artists.

Website Address: https://93gamesstudio.livejournal.com/
Phone Number:
Address: 93 Games Studio

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