
4Ground wargames model buildings and Accessories. 10mm Jesserai Sci Fi. Furniture and Belongings. Basing and Gaming Aids. Unpainted Terrain.

Eighteen months in and we are happy to say lots of gamers and model makers now rate our work as amongst the best that’s available. We have always hoped to design and produce at our best so it is great so many of our customers feel this way.

There have been a few changes, actually rather a lot, but all for the good. Holly is taking some time out with the birth of her son but hopes to be back on the team this time next year.

Cad came on a year ago

Cad came on a year ago as part time but is now full time support for retailers and especially support for gaming clubs. (so if you’re an active and inclusive club looking for our help and support Cad’s the man you need to talk to). Cad also manages our Facebook, twitter and newsletter so any info you want him to share please let him know.

Warehouse distribution for 4Ground is now independent from Tymeagain’s ‎ main warehousing and this is managed full time by the very able Carrie. (who came over from Tymeagain after eight years there). So when your order was packed. (both for retail and mail order). Carrie and her little team did the packing and did their utmost to make sure you got what you ordered and it was dispatched as soon as possible. (please remember we always say even for UK customers please allow 10 working days for your order to be dispatched).

Tank he’s the man with the plans

Then there is ‘Tank’ he’s the man with the plans, Tank is our laser production supervisor. Tymeagain started 4Ground with two 85 watt industrial lasers and now we have five industrial lasers. (one 75 watts, two 85 watts and two 100 watts). Before we had this number of machines Tank and his small team had at times been working in relay shifts from 7pm Sunday right through. All week and nonstop, to Friday 7pm, that’s day and night just to keep up with demand for hundreds and thousands of our kits! Even now some weeks we have to have a few night shifts planed to keep up with demand. And as always it is Tank who is the most willing to do more unsociable hours than anyone else on the team.

The reason we are so busy is possibly because more and more people now know that in effect our pre-painted kits. (with 4Ground Base Paints). Are in effect almost two models in one. We include pre-painted outside walls and pre-painted inside walls in the same pack. Making a very robust and durable piece of gaming terrain. As Francis Parker one of our very first and still regular customers told us. 4Ground kits are so good once you have made your first you just want more. They are the best terrain buildings bar NON”; and even today. (18th May 2013). We got this from Ray Gillespie, a new customer after he got his first order from 4Ground. Just took delivery of my first 4ground kits today, the Whitechapel police station and warehouse…

I just cannot believe the quality of these kits

All I can say is WOW, I just cannot believe the quality of these kits. We have been making all sorts of kits from Plastic t Radio Controlled aircraft over the years and I can honestly say. I have never seen such quality in any format. I LOVE the pictorial instructions and the sprue checklist is brilliant, even down to including the pegs and rubber bands for construction. All in all guys you make brilliant products.

My initial thoughts on finding your site was that the kits were a tad expensive. However now I have seen the contents I don’t know how you manage this excellence for the price !. Suffice to say I will be buying tons more. As I need to purchase the rest of the Whitechapel range and then move on to the rest. You have one delighted and long term customer here, well done on a brilliant product.”

Finally we come to the work we have done with other companies. These are among the leading designers and manufactures in the wargames hobby today. And they came to us because they like what we do and the way we do it. We have lots more planned to do with other companies and even more we plan to do ourselves. (and not all is historical in nature). It looks like the next 18 months will be just as active and progressive for 4Ground. Laser cut wargmames buildings and terrain as the last 18 months have been. Thank you everyone for your interest and support for what we do.


December 2011.

I’m Adam and along with Ben and Holly we are your 4GROUND team at Tymeagain Ltd. Since 1994. We’ve been designing and making historically inspired items for a wide range of customers. (from ‘Bioware’ the motion capture team at EA games in British Columbia – to The British Museum in London). We’re best known for our historic toys, available at the likes of English Heritage and The National Trust.

4GROUND began because John and Paul over at Warlord Games had a special request for Tymeagain to design and make a model kit of Rorke’s Drift. They know we’re gamers and that a big part of what we do is design and produce laser cut items. They thought who better to design a gamers’ model kit than a couple of wargamers? So we designed the buildings we wanted. Buildings as part of the game and not just table accessories. We made options for holes in walls and maximum accessibility. Next we had to design the kit for others to be able to make it. Then we had to make hundreds and hundreds of kits and get them to Warlord Games. Before the release of their Anglo-Zulu range. Well we did all that and really enjoyed the project. Then we thought why not make other kits, and so 4GROUND started.

With two 85watt lasers to work on production

With two 85watt lasers to work on production. The big task for us is not how will we keep up with stock levels for orders to go out quickly. Our biggest task is which way do we go next. Do we make more historical, and if so which period, or do we go for futuristic or fantasy buildings. So if you have any ideas of what we should design next please contact us. The more people who ask for that special thing. The more likely we will make it, so if you see it here in 28mm and you want 15mm or 20mm. Maybe you want buildings and walls for your King& Country or Tom Gunn 60mm collection.

Personally, we game with miniatures, cards and board games so markers for all these types of games will be in the pipeline. If we don’t have the marker or counter you want for a game, just contact us. We’re also making bases and movement trays. With such large and fast, lasers, we can make these simple items less costly and pass the reduced costs on to you. We’ll be offering many at lower prices than are often found on Internet auction sites.

We’re happy to work with other manufacturers

We’re happy to work with other manufacturers, so maybe you want to add our kits to your range of products. Or add your stuff to our model kits (sandbags in windows etc). We don’t mind if you also design and make buildings. If you want to work with us and we can, we will. Have you a design for a laser cut component you want. Or would you like us to design a range of tokens or markers for a game or rule system you produce. Send us a short message at business enquiries with what you have in mind. We cut and etch/engrave in many materials (solid woods, ply-woods, MDF, HDF, laminates, acrylics – acrylic from 1.5mm to over 30mm thick) so if you have something that’s more than an initial idea let’s talk.

Most of 4GROUND’s products are available to retailers (a physical shop is not required for an account, but you must have already established your own mail order website). Contact us at business enquiries for all trade requests and tell us a bit about your business. At first this site will be thin on the ground with product, as long term quality and customer happiness, is more important to us than short term sales. Keep coming back and you’ll see we’re pro-active with developments.

Website Address:
Phone Number: 01985 840038
Address: Tymeagain Ltd, Unit 34 – 36 Deverill Road Trading Estate, Warminster, Sutton Veny, BA12 7BZ, United Kingdom

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